Rundbrief des USACA Präsidenten zur WM2022

I wanted to give everyone a brief update following meetings in Houston Texas this week.

Things are falling together quite nicely with a solid team moving forward.

Your considerations with container shipment has been one of our most talked about subjects. We understand the difficulty with moving containers of boats around the world. We’ve all been there. So to assist in your scheduling of the containers we added another regatta for April 2-3. Your container may arrive in time for this event and your container/boat may stay at the club until the Worlds. This will give you the opportunity to send your container well in advance of the Worlds to alleviate the anxiety of trying to precisely time it’s landing. You may have heard about the huge container delays on the West Coast of the US. The Port of Houston has experienced very few delays with container shipments.

Some of you may even want to vacation in-between the Armadillo Cup and the Admirals Cup/Pre Worlds. It’s a great time of year to tour not only Texas but the entire South Western US. I can certainly advise anyone on outstanding itineraries throughout this area. The upcoming F1 race will give you a little taste of Texas.

The final NOR approval and registration information should be available early next week.

Please do not hesitate to ask any questions or advice on your stay for the 2022 Worlds. Once we have final approval of the NOR then we’ll post more info on I wanted to give you as presidents information soon as I see it so you can pass it on to your national classes.

Bob Webbon
USACA President